
Our Education Article has been Published


Our paper in Studies in Science Education is published.


Drew Bush, Renee Sieber, Gale Seiler & Mark ChandlerUniversity-level teaching of Anthropogenic Global Climate Change (AGCC) via student inquiry. Studies in Science Education 53, 2: 113-136

The dark side of open data


A tremendous collaboration for Geothink:


Johnson, Peter, R. Sieber, T. Scassa, M. Stephens, and P. Robinson. 2017. The cost(s) of geospatial open data. Transactions in GIScience 21, 3: 434–445.

Rural QC research on the Geoweb


Really pleased to see another article from our great research in rural Quebec

Peter A Johnson, Renee E Sieber. The Geoweb for community-based organizations: Tool development, implementation, and sustainability in an era of Google Maps. Community Informatics 13,1: 92-108.

Abstract: Recent advances in web-based geospatial tools (the Geoweb) show promise as low-cost and easy-to-use methods to support citizen participation. This research presents two case studies of Geoweb implementation set in community-based organizations in rural Quebec, Canada. When comparing the development and sustainability of each Geoweb tool, the implementation time frame plays a key role. Two implementation time frames are defined; a discrete, or ‘one-off’ time frame associated with lower resource requirements, and a continuous, or ongoing time frame, that has a higher total resource cost, but can fulfill a different set of goals than a discrete implementation.


Our newest article, on big data, cyberinfrastructures, temporal topologies and LUCC


Xing, J. and R.E. Sieber. 2015. A land use/land cover change geospatial cyberinfrastructure to integrate big data and temporal topology. International Journal of Geographic Information Science. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1104534

Our ACME paper is finally published

After all the years of waiting

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