Our ACME paper is finally published

After all the years of waiting

Korbin daSilva at the GEOIDE annual conference

Congratulations to Korbin dasilva, Poster award at the 2012 GEOIDE conference! This is part of his honours research on investigating the application of the geospatial web (specifically Sketchup with Ruby) to Christopher Alexander's generative coding.

daSilva, Korbin, Renee Sieber and Raphaël Fischler. 2012. The Community Design Tool: Unfolding Participatory Urban Design in a Dynamic 3D Environment. Poster at GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference, 14-17 May 2012, Quebec City, Canada.


New grant

Sieber is part of a new GEOIDE team grant called Spatial and Environmental Injury Surveillance. Nadine Schuurman is principal investigator. In the near future she will be looking for a research assistant to investigate and implement Web 2.0 tools (FOSS) for geovisualization.


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