Presentations at the AAG
Our presentations at the Association of American Geographers: Participatory Governance: Moving from PPGIS to the Participatory Geoweb
Pamela H Tudge and Jon Corbett. Cultivating Change: Communities Mapping the Local Food System with the Geoweb in the North Okanagan of British Columbia
Patrick Allen and Jon Corbett. Historical Forest Fire Mapping in the Okanagan
Insoo Steven Chung and Claus Rinner. The Potential of an Online Map-Based Discussion Forum to Engage Residents in Local Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Nick Weigeldt and Pamela Robinson. A Web 2.0 Approach to Gathering Rural Agricultural Data: Its Feasibility in Ontario's Greenbelt
Brian Klinkenberg and Alan McConchie. Encouraging User Validation of Volunteered Geographic Information
Britta Ricker and Nick Hedley. The potentials for mobile geospatial platforms to enhance participatory governance and education
Pamela Robinson and Nicholas Weigeldt. Can the Crowd Infiltrate the Profession?: A preliminary analytic framework to assess the actual potential of web 2.0 tools to impact formal land use planning processes.
Renee Sieber. Participatory Governance: Moving from PPGIS to the Participatory Geoweb
Alan McConchie and Brian Klinkenberg. Social Implications of the Participatory Geoweb