
Sieber @ U of M (virtually)


Gave a talk on Open Source GIS & Web Mapping PPGIS & Volunteered Geographic Information in Rob Goodspeed's course in the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan.


Digital Civic Participation and its Connection to I-Schools


Gave a talk as part of the McGill School of Information Studies Seminar Series, on Civic Participation in an Era of Geospatial Web & Open Data.


Souped up Science


Gave a lightning talk at McGill's Soup and Science, bite-sized science for undergrads, informally titled "What do next bus app, crowdmap, uber app and example tweet have in common? A geographic reference"


Renee @ CUPUM

Gave one of the keynotes at the Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA. July 7-10, 2015, called How are newer Information and Communications Technologies impacting local governance?


Civic futurology


Gave a talk on the Present Future of Civic Participation in an Era of Geospatial Web and Open Data at the Future Cities Workshop, at McGill.


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