After reading this article, I’m still not sure if I fully understand the concept of geocomplexity, since I am still trying to understand how geocomplexity related to spatial problem. The author has categorized the complexity into three types: algorithmic complexity, deterministic complexity, and aggregate complexity. And each type of complexity deals with different types of theory. For example, algorithmic complexity deals with mathematical complexity theory and information theory, and deterministic complexity deals with chaos theory and catastrophe theory.
As far as what I understand, algorithmic complexity calculates the efforts need to solve one problem or achieve one result. Therefore, it would be necessary that some topic that are vague itself may be hard to evaluate. Since my topic is spatial data uncertainty, I was then wondering how would researcher apply algorithmic complexity to data uncertainty, since the uncertainty itself can be vague and ambiguous.
As for deterministic complexity, the author mentioned that it would be too simplistic to characterize a human system by few simple variables or deterministic equations, so less systems are actually deterministically chaotic. Then, I was wondering if there are any examples where human system are in fact deterministic complex. If there is none, then what systems are then usually be regarded as deterministic complex.
And finally, aggregate complexity is used to access the holism and synergy that comes from the interaction of system components. Then back to my topic, the system components in the spatial data uncertainty field would be error, vague and ambiguity. So how would these three components be defined in the case of aggregate complexity.