Introducing Myself _ Qiao

Hi everyone. My name is Qiao Zhao. I am from China. I am a PhD student in the Department of Geography. My supervisor is Prof. Kevin Manaugh.

Cycling is prevalent among low-come and minority communities, but it is sometimes described as a white thing. Equity has emerged as an important consideration for transportation officials working on developing connected multimodal systems that provide meaningful choices in transportation. However, bicycle equity makes up a relatively small segment of the transportation equity literature. My research explores questions related to transportation equity. I focus particularly on issues related to cycling and on the experiences of disadvantaged populations.

My research aims to provide a comprehensive methodology for bicycle network planning in order to assistant governments in providing cycling infrastructure in an equitable manner. I integrate multiple methodologies into my research including statistical analysis and geographic information systems to try to understand how to improve the ability of disadvantaged populations to travel safely and conveniently via cycling and achieve an equitable transportation system that can provide options in how people access various destination.

My supervisor and I are working on assessing the impact of elevation on commuter mode choice at the census tract level.

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