From a former CS&N blogger, Jennifer.
On Thursday, November 24th 109 youth from 26 countries met in Montreal at Environment Canada’s Biosphere to address the challenge of climate change. We spent four days in discussions and debates around the subject of climate change, and it wasn’t just for fun! As a result of these discussions and debates we produced an international youth declaration, entitled Our Climate, Our Challenge, Our Future: International Youth Declaration, Montreal 2005, that our delegation will present at the high level segments of this UN conference and distribute to all conference delegates and negotiators.
The delcaration has been released to press around the world and circulated on various listserves. Our goal is to distribute our declaratin as widely as possible – to young and old, near and far alike. I invite you to read the pdf file with an open mind and join in our optimism. After reading the declaration yourself, if you can take a moment, please circulate it within your networks.
Here’s their blog.