Oh It Used To Be So Simple

This article made me think. For one, it was a slow read – no details were spared in the complicated explanation of the science behind the research. As an Arts major, I was seriously intimidated and I’m still not sure I grasp the methodology behind the findings. Secondly (and more importantly), it made me consider applications of GIS outside of mapping. I know, I know, it’s like every single week my mind is being blown by how vast the field of GIScience is – but it’s the truth. Looking at the behavioural responses of primates (in the research, they are using simulated primates) to stimuli was pretty cool if I do say so myself. Looking at where they go, how they go, and who they go with to get resources was something I had never considered as being applicable to GIS. I’m still getting over the fact that psychology/memory is a factor in mapping now (I’m referencing to the ‘social rules’ and how they impact the travel patterns of a group). Its starting to make me think that there are pretty much endless applications of this tool (or science – I am still waiting to be persuaded). For instance, why can’t we use GIS to save those little polar bears I mentioned last week? We could look at behavioural patterns and add it to any spatial data that we already have. Then, look at the response to stimuli, such as the glaciers and sea ice being obliterated by global warming. Of course I’m over simplifying but you get the point. GIS is essentially engulfing every field that I thought was mutually exclusive from it and I’m not sure how I like it.

Until next time,


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