changing climate, changing minds

A few months after the “Death of Environmentalism” was declared, one glimmer of somebody paying attention was caught: perhaps global warming is indeed causing hurricanes and tsunamis. Previously, scientists downplayed global warming as cause for surge in hurricanes, and Killer Tsunami’s ‘Global Warming’ Link Branded ‘Rubbish (note the quote marks on the so-called ‘global warming’). Some have gone so far as to chalk it up as morally reprehensible, being in “grave contravention of well-known facts”.

Now, some reversal are emerging, though they are being scrutinized and branded with all sorts of critiques.

Hurricanes will likely increase with global warming – as said by NCAR and Prof. Stewart in ENVR 200. Tsunami linkages are fairly well-argued. For more underlying causes, read some simple introductory material on chaos theory and pushing systems steadily.

Another jab back at the Death of Environmentalsim – it claimed Al Gore has lost his edge… well, he’s back, and better than ever. Al Gore ‘08!

Still, At MIT, everything is coming up roses, because they’ve deisgned ideal tsunami housing. This does not, I repeat, does not help fight the argument of environmentalism slipping into a stritly economic-engineering study trying to cut every corner, a “technical approach” that has dipped environmentalism into the workings of the regular global economy.

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