In ” An account of the origins of conceptual models of geographic space” by Oleg McNoleg, there are many points where questions may be raised on the idea of what one may conceive as geographic space. These points may lie beneath imaginary animals and tribes, and masked within a silly story, but do make one think about how man perceives himself within his natural environment. The Tessellati, a tribe along the frost line, for example is shown to perceive a particular area of a few square kilometres divided into sections as their space and world. Whilst, the Vectules, a tribe along an ocean, perceives their world as a set of defining lines (water’s edge) and points of security (trees). The two tribes provide the defining ideas of what can be thought of as raster and vector data and how these formats are utilized to define one’s area. Furthermore, the paper provides a unique way of thinking about how geographic space is actually defined and to what extent a person or group may define that area. For example, is it defined by a point that represents a tree with a predatory parrot or defined equal area containing a mutant pig. Questions of an individual’s or group’s idea of space from article seems to be based on one’s need and therefore forcing a particular way of perception on space. Although this article does help to show how personal situation reflects one’s perception of space, it does not deal with how perception may change if the tribes or some individuals from the different tribes exchanged places.