Food Blogging

I finally ran across a blog I want to post about, it was mentioned in slashdot this morning. It’s by the head of a blogging company called fotoblog, and it is simply a collection of pictures of what he eats each day. For some reason (possibly because I’m hungry) this struck me as a pretty cool idea, and I browsed through a few pages of his meals.

What I can tell about him:

  • he is not a vegetarian
  • he eats out quite a lot
  • he seems to eat a decent variety of foods

I really enjoy food, and a lot of things I enjoy doing are also centred around food, so I can imagine if I had a similar record of what I was eating, it’d probably be a fairly complete record of important things. Anyways, it’s an interesting idea.

Food Blog

2 Responses to “Food Blogging”

  1. jennifer says:

    Where should the line be drawn for unnecessary blog topics? Like, hello? I don’t care about what some random person’s diet looks like. Somethings are just better kept to yourself, I don’t think this guy would offer any sort of public presentation of his personal food chronicles. this is getting just a little out of hand!

  2. Hannah says:

    I like food too 🙂 I don’t eat a lot of meat, though. But did you know you can buy
    Big Macs through eBay? Pretty crazy…