Archive for February, 2012

Cultural differences in affordances?

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Combining thoughts of secondary theory as put forth by Smith and Mark and the topic of affordances put forth by Kuhn offers a complex evaluation of how different cultures use different objects. Kuhn quotes Gibson: “the affordances of the environment are what it offers the animal,” (617), which I follow with the assumption that environments may offer different “animals” different things, and spur various forms of activity.

In the beginning of his paper Kuhn poses the question, “what can be done to make geographical information more supportive of human activities?” (613). The process of creating ontologies includes grasping the actions from a text, then identifying the objects which afford them. I am curious to how much rigour is ensured during this process, and how much of the object-affordance relationship is left to assumption or distant inference. Kuhn notes that the “details of this procedure are also language-dependent” (622), insisting that some statements may be lost in translation. It is difficult for a person to try and examine the activities afforded to certain cultures by certain objects—since, as we know with knowledge of secondary theory, is not consistent across the globe.

Kuhn, Werner. “Ontologies in Support of Activities in Geographical Space.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 15.7 (2001): 613-631.

-sidewalk ballet

Ontologies and GIS, in context

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Kuhn’s article Ontologies in support of activities in geographical space was quite thought provoking for me.  As an overview of ontologies, where they are and where the author believes they could be, it was informative.  At the end of Kuhn’s piece, I found myself wondering two things.  First, I pondered the usefulness of ontologies–genuinely wondering how they are applied.  Iit would have been an interesting addition to their case study of an ontology of German traffic codes if they had also included the usefulness and applicability of where and how this could be used.  Particularly as this article emphasized the necessity of ontologies related to the task at hand, a knowledge of what the “task at hand” could be for such an ontology would have been a thorough and convincing conclusion.

More than that, though, it caused me to reflect on GIS as a whole, and the frustration that comes along with a software (tool/science/system?) that has the ability to include immense amounts of data and answer many questions.  As mentioned, Kuhn posits that “the tasks (or activities) to be supported by a GIS should determine the entities that are admitted to its languages”.  When using GIS as a tool, this is a mentality that should not be forgotten.  The task at hand is incredibly important.  GIS can accomplish many things, analyze interesting data, find solutions and, sometimes, create more problems.  As a user with a plethora of tools before you, it can be intimidating, or you may attempt to do too much.  With the geospatial and human world being incredibly vast and comprehensive, it seems like it should go without saying that decisions made, and tools–or in this case, languages–chosen should be inherent upon the context within which one is working.


Kuhn, Werner. “Ontologies in Support of Activities in Geographical Space.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 15.7 (2001): 613-631. Print.

Objectivity and Subjectivity in GIScience

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Over the last few weeks I have been considering how GIS can accurately reflect environments across different cultures, and I would like to continue to draw upon the distinctions Smith and Mark make between primary and secondary theory. I argue that primary theory is primarily objective whereas secondary theory is subjective, and consider these implications as they are situated in GIScience.

Smith and Mark detail that there is a “high degree of correspondence between primary-theoretical beliefs and the reality towards which they are directed,” (7) building on their claim that primary theory isn’t culturally dependent. Objects in primary theory are perceived pretty accurately; Smith and Mark state they have to be in order for us to live with and among them. For me, this seems easy to incorporate into a GIS that can be used across cultures, despite the fact that (and as noted by ClimateNYC) some cultures may not know what a mountain is after living in Kansas plains for their entire lives. This doesn’t matter though, because primary theory is “tailored to the… characteristic of the human species and… has formed the main support of human life” (7). This is to say that despite one culture lacking an awareness or theory about mountains, for example, it can still be displayed in a GIS because another culture has an established theory, and it is argued that “each primary theory is a theory about what actually exists in reality” (11).

This isn’t so clear with secondary theory where there are “startling differences [in phenomena perception]… as one moves from community to community” (7). GIS attempts to have geographic concepts which are consistent with the user’s mental model of the concepts of the world. How can we do this when users’ mental models vary greatly across cultures? I struggle to see how both the “mechanistic view of the world” held by Westerners and the “spiritualistic world-view” (7) of African communities can be held simultaneously in a program. This can further be applied to natural languages and semantics in GIS—these are not uniform across all cultures and users. How can programs be established that capture the nuances in different languages, in different perceptions of the environment? Further explorations of spatial cognition may provide good avenues for development of this idea.

Smith, B, and D M. Mark. “Do Mountains Exist? Towards an Ontology of Landforms.” Environment and Planning. B, Planning & Design. 30 (2003): 411-428.

-sidewalk ballet


What ARE mountains? And why do we care?

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

An ontology of landforms is an interesting concept.  And this paper approached it in an interesting way, asking, “Do mountains exist?” moving from the various attributes of a mountain into the broader question of how might we characterize our landforms in general.  But I found Smith and Mark addressed multiple ideas without neatly pulling together their main argument and limitations to such an argument.  I was slightly confused as to precisely how they felt about some of their main points—can Primary Theory provide sufficient understanding to create a shared language for landforms, for example?

Upon reading this paper, I was not convinced.  I believe to create one ontology for landforms would be incredibly difficult, even if we are assuming the ontology would be used by a relatively homogeneous group of people (in terms of cultural belief systems/research parameters/etc).  I understand the necessity, as they state, of having a shared language for people such as researchers, pilots, soldiers, scientists, to name a few.  But how can we presume that all people will have the same needs of a landscape, and thus will benefit from the same ontology?  It begs the question “What ARE mountains… and why do we care?”  Well, we care because of the question we are asking—they are relevant to something of interest to us.  As Kuhn states in Ontologies in support of activities in geographical space, ontologies appear to be somewhat task specific.  And the way we define our landscapes is surely specific to how we will be using them?

It seems what they describe as “Primary Theory”, as I understood it, may not relate to understandings that are as general across the board as they necessarily make them out to be.  Perhaps a better knowledge of ontologies on the part of the reader (ie. myself) may have clarified aspects of this argument, or perhaps it is the argument itself.  But it is particularly ironic, in my mind, that in a paper discussing the benefits of a shared and commonly understood language, their ability to express and defend their position was lacking.


Smith, B, and D M. Mark. “Do Mountains Exist? Towards an Ontology of Landforms.” Environment and Planning. B, Planning & Design. 30 (2003): 411-428. Print.

Kuhn, Werner. “Ontologies in Support of Activities in Geographical Space.” International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 15.7 (2001): 613-631. Print.

Kuhn reading and developing a new Ontology

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Kuhn’s article is critical of existing ontologies as overly focussing on objects and their attributes. He details the development of a new ontology that embraces processes and actions in addition to objects. He advocates for the formalization of such a system to better represent the geo-spatial component of phenomena. As an example, he uses a German traffic code as a case study to demonstrate innovations in ontology structure.

A contentious point in this article was Kuhn’s assertion that teaching the programming, engineering, and ontology-generating tools to domain experts is useless because these tools are incompatible with the theories. I believe that familiarizing and engaging domain scientists in critical review of these tools (much like what this seminar class is doing) exposes the built-in assumptions and limitations of the ontology; an ontology that originates from computer science and information systems. Furthermore, contemporary neo-geographers and the geospatial web are blurring the distinction between geographers and programmers. Intuitive tools such as search engines and even programming languages that increasingly approximate natural language are emerging.

There is merit in Kuhn’s call for a shift of structuring data to better represent the geographic component of geographical data. However, I believe that it is entirely too abstract to create a new system from scratch. Much like how our understandings of things change over time, is it not possible to allow our ontologies to change organically and incrementally? Such a transition would allow for more recycling of collected data, more exchanges of dialogue, and is probably more feasible.  

– Madskiier_JWong

The Recipe for A Problem-Solving Ontology

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Rather than taking an approach that questions the very nature of existence of certain human-created objects, Werner Kuhn’s article instead reads like an instruction manual for how to derive ontologies. Of particular use, he breaks down the actual phenomenon that need to be categorized into four useful bites that allow one to derive an ontology. First, one must create different types of objects; second, classes for these types to belong to; third, functions that each type might perform (an attribute); and, finally, algebraic axioms that define what exactly the actions are that a given type of object affords (618). Of course, the difficult part comes from actually trying to map out the linkages between all of these different types in a domain, then ordering them into a hierarchy which eventually should have “complete executable specifications in a functional language of activities and object classes” (628).

Having completed all this, however, one might wonder what the utility of engineering an ontology might be. The author, of course, provide us with an example of the German traffic rules as one example for understanding how setting up a hierarchical ontology might be useful. He arrives at this example because he believes “ontologies should be designed with a focus on human activities in geographical space” (614). This supposition is further supported by an argument that an accurate ontology should support human activity in space. The act of supporting works because an ontology can “capture knowledge about problem solving in the world” (616). While Werner’s interest lies only in knowledge about the world (616) rather solving problems, we might be able to extrapolate how developing an ontology for traffic rules might aid traffic authorities in constructing further rules or a system for adjudication in Germany.

In thinking about this approach to a problem-solving given what we’ve discussed in class so far, Werner’s recipe for how to construct an ontology appears to be closely akin to Agent Based Modeling. In effect, he believes in taking “types” which could, in some cases, be “agents,” and then figuring out their actions and the hierarchy of how these actions relate to each other. However, his method for constructing an ontology places no emphasis on the individual roles of agents (or types) as does ABM, but instead is more interested in each “type” for its own sake – and for where it sits in a network. In some ways, this reminds me more of a network analysis. Yet I can see how this approach lends itself to something like computer programming that already derives from and creates its own ontologies, and could be greatly aided by engineering a specific existence.

What About the Eskimo?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Barry Smith and David Mark provide an interesting article that gets at the ontology of geographic features in space, but we should carefully heed the authors discussion of how the definitions of geographic features vary from community to community. As “Madskiier” points out, the authors draw a distinction between primary theory (or a basic common-sense perception) of objects versus a secondary theory (that reflects diverse beliefs) that allows for processing of ideas like continuous fields.

It’s in discussing ideas like continuous fields that the authors make clear how little weight certain geographic terms have when looking at tangible reality. For example, continuous fields thought of only in terms of Western contour maps may not exist for cultures who don’t possess such a map-making tradition. Take another idea proposed by Smith and Mark: did Mt. Everest exist before the first human laid eyes upon it? Mt. Everest, itself a blob of elevation, the authors might say, existed long before maps. But the concept of Mt. Everest as a delineated object, perhaps, began existing only when it was drawn on a map. Yet the fact that primary theory allows mountains to be map-created “objects whose boundaries are marked by gradedness or vagueness” (13) doesn’t make mountains a reality. In fact, for those who haven’t seen Mt. Everest (or cultures, people or places for whom real, tangible “mountains do not exist” (13) ) it might be difficult to understand a map portraying one. Confused?

Consider the author’s discussion of geomorphology’s role as a science in studying landforms as supposed “natural” objects (17). Given the fact that landforms are not objects with discrete boundaries except insofar as humans define them, they do not exist except as a concept. By suggestion, the authors question whether or not geomorphology can truly be considered a science. Still confused?

Let’s try examining what I consider the main thesis of the author’s ontological arguments. Smith and Mark posit that many geographic features exist only insofar as human communities have “projected [] speech practices onto the surface of the Earth in such a way that they mark out certain territory with a certain shape and material constitution” (14). In effect, most of the geographic constructs we learn as children such as river, hill, valley, mountain – as the author points out – are simply human constructs of given features which we make into an object. As the authors note, “our common-sense beliefs are readily translated from one language to another, and judgements expressing such beliefs are marked by a widespread unforced agreement” (8). By learning certain concepts as babes, we are reinforcing them as reality (one might argue, perceptual reality), according to the authors.

So, does a mountain actually exist? Sure, insomuch as the term mountain describes what “actually exists in reality — or more precisely in some part of reality that is relevant to human perception and action” (11). Of course, this then begets the question of what is a mountain exactly to someone who has always lived on the flat plains of Kansas and never seen one firsthand? Or, better yet, could an Eskimo describe the category/object of landforms known as a desert after a lifetime living amongst snow and ice?

In this sense, Smith and Mark’s article stems from a long-line of critical theory first suggested by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida who originated the ideas of deconstructionism. Instead of asking about mountains, Derrida might have questioned whether the word “tree” means the same thing to a man from a dense, tropical jungle as a man from the Northern boreal forests of Canada. Since both men could correctly picture a tree but arrive at startlingly different objects, what does this say about the nature of the tree as an object? Or, in Mark and Smith’s terms, of less-defined objects such as mountains?

Smith & Mark and Central Ontologies

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Smith and Mark’s article walks the reader from a general, philosophical perspective of ontologies to how geography and finally information systems interpret and utilize ontology. They distinguish between a basic, naïve conceptualization (primary theory) that is akin to common sense and a secondary conceptualization (secondary theory) that is diverse and reflects different beliefs. They argue that geographic science’s ontology is based on discrete objects (primary theory) and continuous fields (secondary theory).

Aside from minor quibbles about the reading’s denseness at the beginning, I found interesting the assertion that humans tend towards a central, binding ontology to better relate things to one another. It has certainly been the case for GIS where there are a few overarching data models (e.g. vector and raster) and clear hierarchical rules of inheritance. Evidence of this central ontology self-perpetuating is evident in the way users now attempt to sort webscraped information or to store streamed data. The titles may vary from producer to producer, but the fundamental logical structure of row ID, one entry per cell, and attributes remains.

A pressing implication of this resides in development, where GIS practitioners attempt to create maps showing traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) that represent a participatory effort with locals. An obstacle seems to exist of trying to translate (for example) Canadian Aboriginal ontologies with the GIS data models in use. The difficulty of labelling a portage path as discussed in class is one such example. I have the impression that the prevailing approach is to undergo acculturation of Aboriginal peoples until they think like “our” Western views. This likely reflects a power relation of Westerners wielding the GIS, and may limit acceptance of alternative forms of knowing.

– Madskiier_JWong