
Geothink Preconference Workshop @ AAG

Geothink was pleased to run a workshop before the Association of American Geographers' (AAG) Annual Conference in Chicago, called Citizen-Government Relations for a Digitally-Enabled and Location-Aware World.



Our presentations at Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada 2015

The lab was well-represented at Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada.

Tenney, Matthew, Renee Sieber and G. Brent Hall. 2015. “Geocollective”: A Tool for Harvesting Geographic Information From Social Media. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

Sangiambut, Suthee and Renee Sieber. 2015. A Typology of Canadian Open Data Apps. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

Reid, Geneviève and Renee Sieber. 2015. What is Time? Indigenous Conceptualizations of Time and the Geoweb. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

More information at SKI

See us at IGARSS 2014

Jin will present on our big data and distributed computing research at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’14) in Quebec City, July 13-18. Come hear him speak on "sampling based image splitting in large scale distributed computing of earth observation data.


Indigeneity and the Geospatial Web

Genevieve presented her research during an intense 12 day colloquium at ACFAS, called Cartographier les récits : enjeux méthodologiques et technologiques

Reid, G and R. Sieber. 2014. Géoweb et les aspirations du futur du territoire. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) 12-15 Mai, Montreal, Canada.

Le résumé below the fold


This was my first time presenting at the State of the Map US, April 12-13. This is the conferecnce of OpenStreetMap users. I loved the whole conference because it's a mix of users, developers, practitioners, nonprofits, and researchers. That amount of diversity meant there was little academese, which was a wonderful break from previous conferences. I presented on Open data and the City. Here's the video from the talk.


Open Data and the City - Renee Sieber from OpenStreetMap US on Vimeo.

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