
Critical GIS Workshop @ McGill

Jim Thatcher (University of Washington, Tacoma), Ryan Burns (University of Calgary), Luke Bergmann (University of Washington), Britta Ricker (University of Washington, Tacoma) and I organized a workshop on Critical GIS to coincide with NACIS. Presentations included

Meghan Kelly, “Feminist Cartographies”

Clancy Wilmott, Jim Thatcher, Craig Dalton, “Representation, Its Limits, and New Regimes of Spatial Data”

Emory Shaw, “Path Behind the Panorama”

Carl Sack, “Resistance Mapping”

Nick Lally, “Geographical Imagination Systems”

Genevieve Reid, Renee Sieber, “Indigenous Critical GIS”

Amir Sheikh, “The Waterlines Project: An Interpretive Approach to the Urban Landscape”

Renée Sieber, “Step away from the Map: Refocusing Critical GIS on algorithms and AI”

We're at AAG in Boston

It was a busy year at AAG for yours truly and members of the lab

April 5, Chair

Session on Open Data

Jin presents at AGU

Jin Xing presents at the American Geophysical Union:

Multi-Scale Change Detection Research of Remotely Sensed Big Data in CyberGIS

Jin Xing and Renee Sieber

Big remotely sensed data, the heterogeneity of satellite platforms and file formats along with increasing volumes and velocities, offers new types of analyses. This makes big remotely sensed data a good candidate for CyberGIS, the aim of which is to enable knowledge discovery of big data in the cloud. We apply CyberGIS to feature-based multi-scale land use/cover change (LUCC) detection. There have been attempts to do multi-scale LUCC. However, studies were done with small data and could not consider the mismatch between multi-scale analysis and computational scale. They have yet to consider the possibilities for scalar research across numerous temporal and spatial scales afforded by big data, especially if we want to advance beyond pixel-based analysis and also reduce preprocessing requirements.

Geothink representing at #GISed2105

Our students, Jin and Matt presented at #GISEd15, 2015 GIS in Education and Research Conference, Toronto, ON. November 30.

Jin Xing, Jin presented on "A Land Use/Land Cover Change Geospatial CyberInfrastructure to Integrate Big Data and Temporal Topology." Matt Tenney presented "Tweeting Hate in Montreal: An analysis of the spatial distribution of e-bile."


Geothink @ AAG 2015

A Geothink student's perspective.

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