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Off to Landscape in Language Workshop


Off to the Navajo rez to meet with native representatives, linguists, anthropologists, ecologists, philosophers and others to discuss methods to represent lingusitic differences in landscape form.

Wellen obtains his masters degree


Christopher Wellen successfully submitted his thesis, Ontologies of Cree Hydrography: Formalization and Realization in October 2008.

SKI - Canada


Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada, a conference for Canadian GIScientists and Applications Researchers will be held in Fernie, BC, in mid February, 2008.

More information will be published shortly, at the SKI Canada site (for the moment, use this link instead of the link above).

your hosts,

Scott Bell, Renee Sieber, Nadine Schuurman


New Course Content


If you'd like to see the courses that Sieber teaches then check out the courses tab. Check out the GEOG 506 projects. The students are presenting today.


Beta Site Made Available


On the 26 March 2006 the Beta site for Prof. R. E. Sieber has gone live. This site will be the future repository for information on the research of Professor Sieber, her team, and colleages, covering topics such as Public Participation GIS, E-Commerce and Community Economic Development, and Virtual Activism.

Professor Sieber is an Associate Professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She is joint appointed with the Department of Geography and the School of the Environment.

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