
Book chapter is out


The Planning Support Systems Book is finally out (2009/04/03). Here's our chapter. 

Johnson Book chapter: 2009. Johnson, P. A., & Sieber, R. E., Agent-based modeling: A dynamic scenario planning approach to tourism PSS. In S. Geertman & J. Stillwell (Eds.), Planning Support Systems: Best Practices and New Methods. Berlin: Springer.

The team goes to Las Vegas


The team has a strong presence at the Association for American Geographers Annual Conference, March 22-27.

Eades, Luke. Indigenous Geographic Information Systems: (Re)configuring Geospatial Technologies for Local Productions of Space. Presentation at the AAG.

Johnson, P.A., Modeling destination competition: Tourist destinations as adaptive agents. Presentation at the AAG.

Rahemtulla, Hanif, Claire Ellul, Louise Francis, and Colleen Whitaker. Mapping Change for Sustainable Communities. Presentation at the AAG.

Ricker, Britta. Environmental Change through the Eyes of Barbadians on the Geoweb. Presentation at the AAG.

Congratulations to our Participatory Geoweb team


We were awarded our three years of funding for our GEOIDE grant: The Participatory Geoweb for Engaging the Public on Global Environmental Change. Congrats to our nodes in the Atlantic provinces, McGill, Ryerson, and UBC.

ICT4D Atlas


We are pleased to host The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)'s ICT4D Atlas, a downloaded digital earth for representing spatial data. We call it Web 1.5, which is perfect if you are in a country with limited or no bandwidth.

According to the site:

This interactive tool highlights results of research networks in Asian, Latin American and African countries. The Atlas will help the user understand better the territorial issues associated with ICT indicators and help build evidence to inform policymakers in these regions. We hope through this project that individuals at all levels (government, academic, NGO, civil society and private sector) will access, populate and visualize relevant multiregional geographical information in order to promote dialogue and engender change. In support of this vision, the project will refine and further develop and disseminate a scalable Free and Open Source spatial platform from existing technologies that will increase open access to relevant information and build awareness and capacity through participatory knowledge sharing.

SKI Canada


Spatial Knowledge Canada Second Annual Conference, February 20 to Sunday, February 22. The program is here.

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