The team goes to Las Vegas
The team has a strong presence at the Association for American Geographers Annual Conference, March 22-27.
Eades, Luke. Indigenous Geographic Information Systems: (Re)configuring Geospatial Technologies for Local Productions of Space. Presentation at the AAG.
Johnson, P.A., Modeling destination competition: Tourist destinations as adaptive agents. Presentation at the AAG.
Rahemtulla, Hanif, Claire Ellul, Louise Francis, and Colleen Whitaker. Mapping Change for Sustainable Communities. Presentation at the AAG.
Ricker, Britta. Environmental Change through the Eyes of Barbadians on the Geoweb. Presentation at the AAG.
Sieber, Renee. Neogeographers meet Paleogeographers, chair of panel, with panelists Martin Dodge, Andre Skupin, Sean Gorman, and Andrew Turner
Sieber, Renee. Philosophy for GIScience, panelist, with fellow panelists David M. Mark, Matthew W. Wilson, Agnieszka Leszczynski, Barbara Poore, Francis Harvey, and Helen Couclelis. Panel led by Nicholas Tate.
Sieber, Renee. Onotology-driven cyberinfrastructures for the Spatial Social Sciences and Humanities. Presentation at the AAG.
Sieber, Renee. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and GIScience Research (II), Session discussant
Wellen, Christopher and Renee Sieber. Applying ontologies to GIS for cultural preservation. Presentation at the AAG.