
Latest publication related to sustainability and tourism

Britta Ricker, our former masters student, now a PhD student at Simon Fraser University, has published her first article out of her masters research:

Ricker Britta A., Peter A. Johnson, and Renee E. Sieber. 2012. Tourism and environmental change in Barbados: gathering citizen perspectives with volunteered geographic information (VGI). Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Published in iFirst pp. 1-17.


Ecological Footprints and Geospatial Technologies

At long last, our first of two papers on ecological footrpints and geopstial technologies is published.

Sonja Klinsky, Renee Sieber, Thom Meredith. Creating local ecological footprints in a North American context. Local Environment Vol. 14, No. 6., pp. 495-513.


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