
Our newest masters student, Jin Xing


Welcome to Jin Xing, who officially joins our group. He is studying for a masters degree in Computer Science. In his research he will investigate the use of cloud computing for remote sensing. Specifically, he will examine the challenges of building a hybrid cloud for analyzing large hyperspectral remote sensed imagery files.


Ecological Footprints and Geospatial Technologies

At long last, our first of two papers on ecological footrpints and geopstial technologies is published.

Sonja Klinsky, Renee Sieber, Thom Meredith. Creating local ecological footprints in a North American context. Local Environment Vol. 14, No. 6., pp. 495-513.


Britta's research in video


GEOIDE presentations


Our Presentations at the Annual GEOIDE Conference, May 28-30 in Vancouver, BC.

Hanif Rahemtulla. Beyond The Internet ‐ Distributing Voluntary Geographic Information Using Mobile Technology.

Hanif Rahemtulla. Mapping Change For Sustainable Communities.

R. Sieber, H. Rahemtulla, A. Turner. Governance And The Geoweb.

Korbin Dasilva. Networking Farmers Markets And Consumers ‐ The Growing Pains Of Desktop To Server Side.

Britta Ricker and Renee Sieber. Citizens As Environmental Change Sensors: A Case Study Of Barbados.


Ricker gets internship at Commission for Environmental Cooperation


Britta obtained a summer internship to work in close cooperation with the CEC to investigate Web 2.0 tools for mapping environmental concerns that cross the three NAFTA countries. Congratulations, Britta!

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