
New Local Economic Development Website Launched

Please check out the Region d'Acton site, GeoActon 2.0: Cartes Geographiques avec Participation Citoyenne  we built with the MRC d'Acton to engage small business owners in promoting local economic development. This is part of our Projet Geoweb Grant with the Ministry of Government Services of Quebec.

Led by Peter Johnson, postdoctoral fellow, with technical assistance and research by Pierre Beaudreau.


GIScience 2010

Our lab was represented at the pre-eminent GIScience conference, this time held in Switzerland:

Sieber, R. E. and H. Rahemtulla. 2010. A Model for the Participatory Geoweb. Presentation at GIScience 2010. Zurich, CH, Sept. 14-17.


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