
New Paper

After a long road, our ontology paper has finally been published.

C.C. Wellen & R.E. Sieber. 2013. Toward an inclusive semantic interoperability: the case of Cree hydrographic features. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27(1): 168-191


There has been ample work in GIScience on the formalization of ontologies but a relatively neglected area is the influence of language and culture on ontologies of geography. Although this subject has been investigated for conceptual ontologies using indigenous words denoting geographic features, this article represents the first attempt to develop a logical ontology with an indigenous group. The process of developing logical ontologies is here referred to as formalization. A methodology for formalizing ontologies with indigenous peoples is presented. A conceptual (human readable) ontology and a logical (axioms specified in mathematical logic) ontology were developed using this methodology. Research was conducted with the Cree, the largest indigenous language grouping in Canada. Results show that the geospatial ontology developed from Cree geographic concepts possesses unique design considerations: no superordinate classes were found from archival sources or Cree speakers so ontologies are structurally flat; the ontology contains some unique classes of water bodies; and the ontology challenges our notions of the generalizability of ontologies within indigenous groups. Whereas these difficulties are not insurmountable to the establishment of a cross-cultural Geospatial Semantic Web, the current plans of the World Wide Web Consortium do not adequately address them. We suggest future directions toward an inclusive semantic interoperability.


Our paper in PNAS

is finally in print!

It was a long road. Thank you to the ICHD team of Grace Fong (McGill), Michael Fuller (UC Irvine), and Peter Bol and Lex Berman (Harvard). Thanks also to Jimmy Li and Jin Xing for making this a reality.

Renee E. Sieber, Christopher C. Wellen, and Yuan Jin. 2011. Spatial cyberinfrastructures, ontologies, and the humanities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(14): 5504-5509.

Ontology based GUI posted on sourceforge

Our research assistant, and Flex extraordinaire, Jimmy Li, has posted the ontology based GUI onto sourceforge.

He describes it as the

"GUI front-end of a Chinese historical database built using Flex. The search interface is a tree-structured concept map, where similar criterion are organized into subtrees that can be expanded when clicked. This aims to make searching more intuitive."

New grant

Grace Fong and Renee Sieber, of Mc Gill University, along with Michael Fuller of University of California Irvine and Peter Bol, Harvard University have won a grant to Integrate Chinese Biographical and Geographic Databases. Sieber's role is to build an ontology-driven cyberinfrastructure to do the actual integration.


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