
Pierre moves on

Congratulations, Pierre Beaudreau, who's been accepted to MIT in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He'll be focussing on urban design.


Congratulations Shelley!

Congratulations to Shelley Han, who's been accepted to UOttawa Law School. We wish her well in her studies of geospatial privacy and IP.


Korbin gets to do Urban Design

Congratulations, Korbin DaSilva, who finally follows his dream of getting into UBC's Urban Design Program. The program only accepted 10% of the applicants.


Congratulations, Pierre

Congratulations to our superb undergraduate researcher, Pierre Beaudreau, who's graduating this month and has been accepted to UCL's Bartlett School for a masters degree in Urban Design.


Britta goes on to a PhD!

Britta goes on to Simon Fraser to pursue a PhD. She will be working with Nick Hedley on geovisualization, education and mobile devices. Good luck, Britta!


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