This site contains information on the research and teaching activities by Dr R E Sieber and her team at McGill University.
Our student Jin Xing did a presentation on big data at the AAG.
Xing, Jin, Renee Sieber, and Margaret Kalacska. 2013. Big Data in Intelligent Geographic Image Analysis: Challenges and Approaches. Presentation at the Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. 9-13 April. Los Angeles, CA.
My presentation at AAG:
Sieber, R E. 2013. The Geoweb in a Digital Society: Participatory Theory meets Grounded Experience. Presentation at the Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. 9-13 April. Los Angeles, CA.
I also took on the cyberGIS folks (in a nice way).
Congratulations, Pierre Beaudreau, who's been accepted to MIT in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He'll be focussing on urban design.
Congratulations to Shelley Han, who's been accepted to UOttawa Law School. We wish her well in her studies of geospatial privacy and IP.
Congratulations, Korbin DaSilva, who finally follows his dream of getting into UBC's Urban Design Program. The program only accepted 10% of the applicants.