
Geoweb in Australia

Sieber was invited to give four presentations in Australia. Among them,


The Geospatial Web 2.0, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Environmental Science. November 22. Dept of Geomatics. Univerisity of Melbourne.

Geoweb and the New World Order. Keynote speech at CRC-SI (Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information: Spatially enabling Australia) Annual Conference and Launch. November 23-24.


She also gave two talks on the Geoweb and the New World Order at two offices of Landgate, in Perth, WA and Midland, WA.


Call for abstracts

RGS-IBG SESSION: Governance and the Geoweb
Location and Dates:
Royal Geographic Society Annual International Conference

September 1-3, 2010, London, UK.

Sponsor: GIScience Research Group (GIScRG)

The increasing challenges from crises such as climate change in addition to expectations from the public about modes of engagement mean that traditional methods of public participation are being challenged. eGovernment systems, such as authoritative Web mapping sites, which were heralded as the solution to this challenge, predominantly offer one-way communication from government to the public and do not include effective means to collect citizen feedback nor engage citizens in two-way dialogue. New mechanisms, like the Geospatial Web (or Geoweb), have the potential to address these challenges and present a unique opportunity for both local and central governments.

Presentation at OMRN

Hanif Rahemtulla, along with Gail Chmura, also at Mc Gill, presented "VGI in the Restoration and Conservation of Coastal Marshes: A Case Study of the Bay of Fundy" in the Linking Science and Local Knowledge session, Oceans Management Research Network (OMRN) Conference presentation, Ottawa, ON, October 23, 2009.


Moving geography students to the geoweb: the research challenges

Our undergraduate research assistant, Korbin daSilva presented a poster at McGill's Undergraduate Research Conference:

Echo "Hello, Farmer!": Implication of New Computational Technologies on Connecting Local food to consumers AND to geography

Despite growing calls for locally produced foods, a disconnect remains between average consumers and local producers. Web 2.0 with social networking capabilities offer new solutions to bridge this gap. Simple Digital Earth mashups (e.g., with Google Maps) are useful; Digital Earth APIs (Application Program Interfaces) contain greater potential to accomplish interactivity with geographic information. These more computational approaches represent a paradigm shift for traditional geography. I developed an application that allows urban consumers to easily customize Google Maps. The application also gathers information from rural farmers regarding what and where products are sold. I hope to bring the computation behind Web 2.0 to the discipline of geography and bring geographic information science to the layperson.


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