About SKI

Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada brings together researchers of GIS and the geoweb who live and work in Canada.


Our conference mixes the practical and the theoretical. Come share your experiences in using GIS in academia in Canada and around the world. Learn from other researchers and students of GIS on best practices and ways of accommodating different domains of knowledge.

 We invite researchers who are involved in fields such as:

  • GIScience
  • Geomatics and geomatics engineering
  • Remote Sensing
  • Participatory GIS
  • GIS in health and epidemiology
  • GIS in transportation
  • Planning Support Systems and landuse planning
  • Digital Earth and the Geospatial Web 2.0 (geoweb) (e.g., Google Earth, Virtual Earth, Google Maps) Research
  • Neogeography, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and crowdsourcing
  • Geovisualization and cybercartography
  • Business geographics
  • Spatial statistics
  • Location based services
  • GIS and spatial modeling in the Earth Sciences
  • Urban simulation and modelling
  • Computer dimensions of GIS (e.g., data modelling)
  • Big Data, machine learning, Geo AI
  • Smart Cities


Download the submission template here. Then upload your abstract to Easy Chair (SKI Canada 2019). You will need to create a separate password for Easy Chair if you don't have one already.

Conference Dates

The conference will be held from Thursday, February 21st to Sunday, February 24th, 2019. The conference begins with an icebreaker and social, the night before on Thursday, with paper presentations commencing Friday February 22nd. See the registration tab for other dates.

Conference Location

This year's conference of Spatial Knowledge Information and Canada will be held at the Banff Park Lodge / Bow View Lodge / Homestead Inn. See the Location tab for more details.


How to participate:

Short Papers

Short papers should conform to the Paper Template and can be up to 2000 words in length. In cases where abstract content does not fit conveniently into the template sections authors can add or remove section headings. Each short paper will be reviewed by the Program Committee and feedback will be provided to the authors. Accepted papers will be published in the SKI conference proceedings.


Short Abstract Option

For students who have been registered in their programs for less than six months (as of the deadline of abstract submission), we invite submission of a short abstract (200-300 words). Short abstracts will not be included in proceedings.

Short abstracts should include the research context, goal, methods, anticipated results, and expected impacts. Short abstract submissions must be accompanied by an email or letter from the student’s supervisor indicating they have reviewed and approved the submission and confirmation that the student has been in their program of study for less than six months.

Short abstracts are intended to enable new students to participate in the conference. If new students have sufficient results, a comprehensive literature review or a well-developed methodology, we encourage them to submit abstracts to the regular extended abstract stream. In addition to gaining experience with the review process, students should know that the proceedings constitutes a publication, which may be useful for their CV.

Faculty Research Synopsis

Faculty are welcome to submit Short Papers and be allocated the same 10-minute presentation slot as other presenters, these papers should focus on a specific research project or topic. ALTERNATELY, faculty can email Prof Victoria Fast and request to give a 2 minute research synopsis/elevator pitch covering the general range of research they conduct. Additionally, faculty can submit a 300 word summary of their research program which will be posted on the SKI-Canada website, but will not be part of the peer-reviewed proceedings.

Deadline for Submissions: NOVEMBER 15


Conference Structure

The conference will be structured as a series of sessions, hosted by a moderator and staffed with five to seven interested presenters. Conference sessions will be designed around a rapid-communication format successfully used in medicine, neuroscience, and other disciplines. Each presentation will be 10 minutes with a short shared opportunity for public questions. Additionally, each evening of the conference will also include a reception offering ample time for interaction and discussion. In addition to the research presentations we will have a keynote address during the dinner hour of the first evening. 


Who Should Attend

All professors and students who identify as GIScientists, Geomatics Researchers or GIS Applications users from across Canada. We are particularly interested in students attending the conference.


Executive Committee

Scott Bell, University of Saskatchewan

Raja Sengupta, Mc Gill University

Steve Liang, University of Calgary

Renee Sieber, Mc Gill University


Program Committee

Victoria Fast, University of Calgary

Grant Mc Kenzie, Mc Gill University


Local Arrangements

Steve Liang


Website, Proceedings

Renee Sieber