Another great SKI Conference
Another year, another great conference from Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada. 16 students from the Geothink grant attended the pre-conference.
Approximately 70 people attended, among them engineers, geographers, planners, law graduate students, planners. We heard 53 presentations, from Mapping for the Czech airforce to Geosocial to geospatial data in land tenure. And a great keynote from Nigel Waters.
See below the fold from talks from Geothink and from our lab.
Below are the talks from Geothink.
Baculi, Edgar and Claus Rinner. 2014. Content Analysis of Municipal Open Data Catalogues Across Canada.
Barton, Andrew and Jon Corbett. 2014. "I wish you could see through my eyes": Exploring the Potential of the Geoweb to Evaluate Place in the Proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline Project in Western Canada.
Brandusescu, Ana, Renée Sieber and Sylvie Jochems. 2014. Can we Use a Crisis Mapping Platform for Community Development?
Brown, Tenille. 2014. Geo-Spatial Data, GIS and Mapping as a Legal Tool.
Corbett, Jon. 2014. A Faustian Dilemma: Identifying the Challenges and Opportunities of Designing and Implementing Geoweb projects within Academic Institutions.
Evans, Mike, Hazel Ferguson, Adele Wessell, and Jo Kijas. 2014. Landed Histories and the Geoweb: Virtual Communities in Place, in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia.
Fast, Victoria and Claus Rinner. 2014. Developing a Volunteered Geographic Information System to Support Local Food Systems Mapping in the Region of Durham.
Johnson, Peter. 2014. A 'Data Curation' Model for Direct Citizen Editing of Government Spatial Data.
Markieta, Michael. 2014. Areal Interpolation as a Proxy for Polygon to Polygon Reaggregation: A Case Study for Downscaling Data from Census Tracts to Dissemination Areas.
Quesnot, Teriitutia and Stéphane Roche. 2014. Evaluation of Geosocial Data Representativeness based on Human Spatial Memory Perspective: The example of Foursquare check-ins.
Piper, Stephanie. 2014. The Value of Open Data.
Power, Cheryl. A Comparative Study of Copyright Licensing Practices for Large- Scale Geospatial Datasets.
Sangiambut, Suthee (Peck) and Renée Sieber. 2014. Political Economy of Open Data and the Geoweb: Investigating Economic Growth and Distribution from Open Data and its Impacts on the Geoweb.
Smith, Harrison. 2014. Automating Volunteered Geographic Information Systems in Social Media: Theorizing VGI as Geo-demographic Surveillance.
Tenney, Matt. 2014. Quality Evaluations of Canadian Open Street Map Data.
Below are the talks from our lab.
Brandusescu, Ana, Renée Sieber and Sylvie Jochems. 2014. Can we Use a Crisis Mapping Platform for Community Development?
Reid, Geneviève and Renee Sieber. 2014. 'Aspirational Maps' and Indigenous Communities.
Sangiambut, Suthee (Peck) and Renée Sieber. 2014. Political Economy of Open Data and the Geoweb: Investigating Economic Growth and Distribution from Open Data and its Impacts on the Geoweb.
Tenney, Matt. 2014. Quality Evaluations of Canadian Open Street Map Data.