Team 41 at the GEOIDE Conference
Several graduate and undergraduate students represented Team 41 at the 2011 GEOIDE Conference, held this year in Toronto on May 16th and 17th.
Lukanyenko, Roman. 2011. Citizen Science 2.0: Increasing quality and participation. Poster presented at the 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.
Mc Conchie, Alan and Brian Klinkenberg. 2011. Interactive User Validation of Volunteered Geographic Information. Poster presented at the 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.
Torio, Dante. 2011. Using Fuzzy Logic to Map the Threat of Coastal Squeeze in Marshes at Wells Reserve and Portland, Maine. Poster presented at the 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.
Tudge, Pamela. 2011. Communicating Climate Change Report for Year 2. Presented 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.
Walker, Blake, and Claus Rinner. 2011. Deconstructing Effective Participation on the Geoweb. Poster presented at the 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.
Zhou, Jian. 2011. A Debate on The General Public Using Climate Models: Is it Crazy or Not?. Presented at the 2011 Annual GEOIDE Conference May 16-17, Toronto.