Invitation for expressions of interest for Ordnance Survey Think Tank Session on "Crowd source data capture, geospatial mashups

The Ordnance Survey has awarded a research contract to the Centre of Geospatial Science (CGS) to investigate future data and data management
developments that might impact on Ordnance Survey's operations and services.

In part fulfilment of this contract we are organising a series of Think Tank events to explore relevant technology developments and to better understand how these developments might influence and impact on spatial data capture and usage in the future.

The second of Think Tank events is to be held on 13th July 2009 (Tuesday) at University of Nottingham and will cover the topic of "Crowd sourced data capture, geospatial mashups and its impact on NMAs"

The Think Tank Meeting will a one-day event with 12 experts drawn from a mix of academic, commercial and industry backgrounds. Selected participants may be invited to give brief presentations but in each case significant time will be allocated for discussion and open exploration of likely developments and potential consequences.  The participants will be divided into four teams (each with 3 members) and will work on a given challenge. The meeting will operate according to Chatham House rules.

Interested participants are invited to submit short position paper (max 2 A4 pages) detailing their potential think tank contribution, expectations, vision and research interest, before 30 May 2009.

Travel and accommodation costs of all the selected participants will be reimbursed. Selection of invited experts will be made by the Ordnance Survey.

Think Tank Outcomes

*    Identify key research trends and developments in this theme
*    Identify mid-term (2-5 years) and long-term (6-10 years) research challenges in this theme
*    Produce report on the Think Tank findings.

Student Plan

Student Plan

our notes from the board.

Journal of American Planning Association Call for Papers on Climate Change

Prospective authors are invited to submit webstracts of potential articles to the Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) for inclusion in a special issue to be published in October 2010 on the subject of planning for climate change. The guest editors will also convene panels on the topic at the spring 2011 APA conference in Boston. Interested authors should submit webstracts to the guest editors, Professors John Landis ( and Randall Crane ( by June 1, 2009. Webstracts should not exceed 450 words and should follow the format described in the style guidelines for authors at (for examples, see the first page of every article in recent issues). By July 1, 2009, the guest editors, in turn, will invite the authors of a subset of these proposals to submit full papers. Final papers must be received at by November 1, 2009. Papers determined to have potential for publication will receive a normal JAPA double-blind peer review; invitation to submit a paper does not imply
a decision to review or acceptance for publication. Papers may be invited to the APA conference, for possible publication, or both.

With many state and local governments (and now, prospectively, the U.S. government) actively trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, questions are emerging about the potential roles for metropolitan and community planning in such efforts. These questions revolve around matching sound planning and policy strategies, effective implementation programs, proper governance functions, and appropriate spatial scales. For example, a number of advocates have proposed an increased role for metropolitan planning organizations (coupling issues of scale and governance) in promoting more compact growth forms (strategy) using urban growth boundaries and infill incentives (implementation programs) to reduce auto-based travel and CO2 emissions
(desirable outcomes). Beyond issues of impact mitigation, many researchers now see some degree of warming as inevitable and are starting to talk about framing effective adaptation strategies. To help inform these efforts, we seek papers on a variety of topics relating planning and infrastructure
investment activities to effective climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Potential paper topics might include (but are not limited to):

  • The relationships among particular land use forms, activity patterns, densities, travel behavior, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The effectiveness of different regulatory and nonregulatory approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions undertaken at the state, metropolitan, or local levels.
  • Innovations or changes to land use and infrastructure planning practices to better address climate changemitigation and adaptation. Examples may be domestic or international and may describe activities at a variety of spatial scales.
  • Examples of planning practices designed to promote the local diffusion of new technologies for reducing or sequestering greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The potential of different urban and neighborhood forms: (a) to incorporate energy conservation and renewable energy generation technologies; (b) to mitigate the urban heat island effect; or (c) to reduce the carbon footprint associated with food production and consumption activities.
  • The potential of various planning strategies (e.g., tree planting) to increase carbon uptake at the metropolitan, community, and neighborhood levels.
  • The potential of various planning and infrastructure investment strategies and approaches to cope with rising sea levels and related impacts, especially in urban areas.
  • The spatial equity implications of climate change, and of mitigation and adaptation responses.
  • Examples of how responses and adaptations to other disasters (e.g., floods or earthquakes) might be appropriately applied to issues of climate change.
  • Discussions of alternative systems of intergovernmental relations and policymaking for dealing with issues of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

In all of these areas, we especially seek: (a) papers detailing innovative methodological breakthroughs or telling empirical results; (b) new meta-studies summarizing and assessing the existing literature and science; and (c) evaluation studies documenting the effectiveness of particular planning approaches. Best practice case studies will be considered where there is demonstrable evidence relating planning/policy interventions to carbon
reductions, effective adaptation results, or both. Put simply, we want to know what works.

We are not seeking proposals advocating particular policy or planning approaches unless based on prior and accepted evaluative studies, nor are we seeking national policy/planning interventions such as carbon taxation or investments in alternative energy sources or carbon sequestration unless they have a central urban or spatial dimension.

Argoo Map in the press!

 Argoo map was featured this week in, News Digest of the Canadian Association of Geographers No. 19, March 8, 2009. Read more at Ryerson Online. 

Good job Claus and Steven Chung!


We are pleased to invite you to attend the 17th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK) conference to be held in the welcoming city of Durham, North East England from Wednesday 1 April 2009 to Friday 3 April 2009. We are confident that we can provide an intellectually challenging and socially stimulating event showcasing the best in advanced contemporary GIS research.

The Call for Papers is open and you are encouraged to submit material relating to your current research in the fields of geographic information science and all associated disciplines. Traditionally, GISRUK has provided a platform both for early career researchers and those with a significant record of achievement in the area. As such, the conference provides a welcome blend of innovative thinking and mature reflection. GISRUK is the premier academic GIS conference in the UK and we are keen to maintain its outstanding record of achievement in developing GIS in the UK and beyond.

Journal of Maps Call for Papers: National Social Maps

Map contributions are now being accepted for a special edition of the Journal of Maps devoted to National Social Maps. The broad theme is mapping of value added social data covering a whole country. We are interested in maps which show clear and distinct socio-geographic patterns, we are especially interested in: the mapping of previously unmapped data and indices; non-standard representations of space such as cartograms; new and non-standard geographies; and new and innovative ways of mapping social data.

For more information visit

OS Think Tank Session on "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS"

The first of the proposed Think Tank events is to be held on Tuesday 17th March at Nottingham and will cover the topics of "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS."

The Think Tank Meeting will a one-day event with 10 experts drawn from a mix of academic, commercial and industry backgrounds. Selected experts may be invited to give brief presentations but in each case significant time will be allocated for discussion and open exploration of likely developments and potential consequences. The meeting will operate according to Chatham House rules.

Interested participants are invited to submit short position paper detailing their potential think tank contribution, expectations, vision and research interest, before 28 Feb 2009 to Dr. Suchith Anand, Centre for Geospatial Science at Nottingham University.

Where 2.0. Conference

The fifth Where 5.0. will focus on location-aware technologies and their implications. The iPhone and Android have paved the way for a new breed of app and Where 2.0 will be focused on it. We won't be leaving mapping or geodata behind -- instead we'll look at how new mobile platforms are building on top of them, says Brady Forrest, Chair for O’Reilly’s Where 2.0 and Emerging Technology conferences. Where 2.0 will be held in San Jose, CA from May 19-21, 2009.

Google Earth 5 Beta

Google has released a new version of Google Earth, the company’s desktop, geo-mapping browser. This new version lets users explore the planet, viewing satellite imagery, checking out maps and terrains, viewing 3D building representations in urban areas, and checking photo galleries, and multimedia content.

Version 5 beta also includes a feature called “Ocean in Google Earth” It offers users the ability to explore the world's oceans using materials from several National Science Foundation-funded ocean and climate researchers.

Google Earth 5 beta is available now as a free download,

GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference 2009

GEOIDE’s 11th Annual Scientific Conference will bring together top researchers, industries and universities from across the country and abroad to growing concerns in: health and social sciences, transport and disaster management, sustainable land and marine resources; environmental change, and sensors. 

For the latest news, renowned speakers and network among top Canadian researchers, make sure you are at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown hotel, Vancouver, BC, May 27 to May 29, 2009. More than 200 delegates are expected to attend this year’s event which comprises of workshops, poster and demo sessions, student presentations and GEOIDE Students’ Networking session.

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