
Nov. 9, 2009 - legal issues? As we prepare to launch our website - we are wondering if anyone has insights on legal issues/disclaimers? I've looked at Brian's e-flora stuff and borrowed some of his langugage around copyright, etc., and also borrowed some disclaimers from re: dangers of going into the wilderness.

But does a blanket copyright statement cover the intellectual property of the data? Or should that be stated explicitly? When VGI is generate, does that implicitly transfer the intellectual property to the owners of the Geoweb-site? If those data are eventually used to form wildlife policy, or show up in a paper, I imagine there would be a blanket acknowlegement to VGI contributors (which is the norm in scientific papers that use citizen science data - eg. Christmas Bird Count data) - but how explicitly does this have to be spelled out on the website?


Here's a place where we discuss the factors that enhance or inhibit the move from desktop GIS or online mapping or online GIS onto Web 2.0.

I've attached a chapter from Woodgate, Peter. 2007. "Factors of Innovation for the Australian Spatial Industry. Ph. D. Dissertation. Business Administration. RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Melbourne, Australia.

I'm hoping that we can use some of Woodgate's factors of innovation in geospatial technologies. Hopefully this can form the basis for a user needs assessment.