Arguments against the Geoweb
This article shares arguments made by Mary Spence of the British Cartographic Institute criticizing the geoweb. This might be a good topic of discussion for our group. Ms. Spence makes claims that "Corporate cartographers are demolishing thousands of years of history - not to mention Britain's remarkable geography - at a stroke by not including them on maps which millions of us now use every day." I wonder if she has read any literature on critical cartography. Things are left off the map on every map not just corporate maps.
Mentioned in the same article, Ed Parsons, geospatial technologist at Google, states: "Internet maps can now be personalised, allowing people to include landmarks and information that is of interest to them. Anyone can create their own maps or use experiences to collaborate with others in charting their local knowledge." Web 2.0 and the geoweb are just a different kind of map, new and unique it its own way.