Student contributions to Global Geospatial Conference 2012
Congratulations to project PIV-41 students Korbin daSilva and Michael Markieta for winning two of the ten 2012 GEOIDE Student Poster Awards at the Global Geospatial Conference 2012 in Quebec City two weeks ago.
Michael is a BA in Geographic Analysis candidate at Ryerson University, whose 2011/12 work-study position was co-funded by GEOIDE. His poster was entitled "Using Web Map Overlay for Visual Multi-Criteria Analysis: The Example of the Ontario Human Influence Index" and co-authored by his research supervisor, Dr. Claus Rinner. A glimpse can be had below.
Korbin daSilva, is currently an MSC candidate at McGill University whose work study position was co-funded by the GEOIDE Network. His poster entitled " The Community Design Tool: Unfolding participatory urban design in a dynamic 3-D Environment" is below.