Team Members at AAG
Our team had a strong showing at the annual Association of American Geographers meeting in Seattle, April 12-16:
Samantha Brennan, Aidan Whiteley, and Jon Corbett. Harnessing the chaotic: using the Geoweb as a tool to support social change.
Nama R Budhathoki and Renee Sieber. GeoWeb from a Governance Perspective.
Jon Corbett. The revolution will not be geotagged: exploring the role of the Participatory Geoweb in advocacy and supporting social change.
Peter A. Johnson. Using the Geoweb to Engage Rural Communities in Economic and Environmental Decision-Making.
Alan McConchie and Brian Klinkenberg. Hybrid Counter-cartography: Google Maps and the Participatory Re-mapping of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
Pamela Robinson. VGI in Formal Land Use Planning: Encumbrances on 'Local' Knowledge?
Renee Sieber. Volunteered Geographic Information: motivation or empowerment?
Jian Zhou, Renee Sieber, Mark Chandler and Linda Sohl. Climate Models for the Education of Citizen Scientists.