Project students at GEOIDE conference
Three students are presenting their research at the GEOIDE Annual Scientific Conference (Calgary, June 2010) on behalf of our project:
- Steven Chung (BA, MSA, PhD candidate, Ryerson University - financial advisor, GEOIDE Student Network) gives an overview of the entire project during the "GEOIDE Project Presentations". He also presents a poster on "The Potential of the Participatory Geoweb for Public Engagement and Decision-Making in Climate Change Issues".
- Jacqueline Young (BComp, MSA, PhD candidate, Ryerson University - coordinator of GEOIDE Summer School 2010) participates in the GEOIDE Student Network's "Student Showcase" with a talk on "Increasing the Utilization of Geovisual Analytics for Health Policy Decision-Making".
- Blake Walker (BA candidate, Ryerson University) presents a poster on "Developing an Online Community Resource Map to Engage Marginalised Populations".
Post-conference update: Jacqueline won the second prize for her presentation in the GSN Showcase, and Steven won third place in the "Best Poster Award" competition (see Blake volunteered to be the 2010/11 coordinator of the GEOIDE Student Network. Congratulations to all three!
Another update: The students' presentations and posters are now attached below.