Logging in to the environment
Yolanda's and other Team 41 projects were featured in University Affairs. From the article:
Have you spotted a bear recently, or some other interesting animal or plant? If so, Yolanda Wiersma, a professor of biology at Memorial University, would like to hear from you. Her new website, www.nlnature.com, asks users to log sightings of wildlife and species at risk in Newfoundland as the province’s contribution to a larger, Canada-wide project called Geoweb led by Renée Sieber, a professor in the Mc Gill School of the Environment at Mc Gill University. There are four different nodes of the project across Canada, each using the Internet and geographical information to address a different environmental issue. The Newfoundland node is focused on wildlife and species-at-risk. Another node, led by Professor Brian Klinkenberg and PhD student Alan Mc Conchie at the University of British Columbia, is investigating public reporting of invasive alien plant species. A third, co-ordinated by UBC-Okanagan graduate student Pamela Tudge, is looking at local food production and the environment, while a fourth is examining organic farming in the Kawartha region of Ontario.The research is funded by the Geomatics for Informed Decisions Network, one of Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence.