OS Think Tank Session on "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS"
The first of the proposed Think Tank events is to be held on Tuesday 17th March at Nottingham and will cover the topics of "Data Capture, modelling, and visualisation for ubiquitous LBS."
The Think Tank Meeting will a one-day event with 10 experts drawn from a mix of academic, commercial and industry backgrounds. Selected experts may be invited to give brief presentations but in each case significant time will be allocated for discussion and open exploration of likely developments and potential consequences. The meeting will operate according to Chatham House rules.
Interested participants are invited to submit short position paper detailing their potential think tank contribution, expectations, vision and research interest, before 28 Feb 2009 to Dr. Suchith Anand, Centre for Geospatial Science at Nottingham University.