This site contains information on the research and teaching activities by Dr R E Sieber and her team at McGill University.


Talking CitSci with Muki Haklay at LonCon, the World SF Convention in London.


See us at IGARSS 2014

Jin will present on our big data and distributed computing research at the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’14) in Quebec City, July 13-18. Come hear him speak on "sampling based image splitting in large scale distributed computing of earth observation data.


Ensconced at Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) research group, UCL

I'll be at University College London for the next 3 months going extreme on extreme citizen science. I'll be working with Muki Haklay, where I hope to further explore the role of activism in the formation and government enthusiasm about citizen science.


Indigeneity and the Geospatial Web

Genevieve presented her research during an intense 12 day colloquium at ACFAS, called Cartographier les récits : enjeux méthodologiques et technologiques

Reid, G and R. Sieber. 2014. Géoweb et les aspirations du futur du territoire. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS) 12-15 Mai, Montreal, Canada.

Le résumé below the fold

McGill writes up Geothink

McGill's glossy magazine that gets sent out to donors, writes up the grant:

Witten, Mark. 2014. Open Door Policy. McGill Headway Magazine: Research, Discovery and Innovation at McGill University. Volume 8, Number 1 Spring 2014.


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