This site contains information on the research and teaching activities by Dr R E Sieber and her team at McGill University.


Sieber gave a presentation, Subverting the Mapping Machine, at TEDx, Nov. 5.

Despite their computer freezing in the middle of the presentation, the audience enjoyed the talk.


Updating content

We're upgrading to the new version of Drupal. Stay tuned for new content.


New grant

Sieber is part of a new GEOIDE team grant called Spatial and Environmental Injury Surveillance. Nadine Schuurman is principal investigator. In the near future she will be looking for a research assistant to investigate and implement Web 2.0 tools (FOSS) for geovisualization.


Call for abstracts

RGS-IBG SESSION: Governance and the Geoweb
Location and Dates:
Royal Geographic Society Annual International Conference

September 1-3, 2010, London, UK.

Sponsor: GIScience Research Group (GIScRG)

The increasing challenges from crises such as climate change in addition to expectations from the public about modes of engagement mean that traditional methods of public participation are being challenged. eGovernment systems, such as authoritative Web mapping sites, which were heralded as the solution to this challenge, predominantly offer one-way communication from government to the public and do not include effective means to collect citizen feedback nor engage citizens in two-way dialogue. New mechanisms, like the Geospatial Web (or Geoweb), have the potential to address these challenges and present a unique opportunity for both local and central governments.

Presentation at OMRN

Hanif Rahemtulla, along with Gail Chmura, also at Mc Gill, presented "VGI in the Restoration and Conservation of Coastal Marshes: A Case Study of the Bay of Fundy" in the Linking Science and Local Knowledge session, Oceans Management Research Network (OMRN) Conference presentation, Ottawa, ON, October 23, 2009.


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