Thoughts on Spatial Data Mining Approaches for GIS – A Brief Review

This review article outlines the challenges in the use of geospatial data and the challenges in Spatial data mining and it summarized the tasks and tools in spatial data mining. It proposed an architecture to address the challenge of huge data volume.
This article did a good job of summarizing the tasks and tools in spatial data mining for me to have a basic understanding of the topic. However, I was a bit confused by this article mainly because it sometimes uses several terms interchangeably such as GIS, GIS data, spatial data mining, big data and I had a hard time grabbing what is the main idea that the author wants to explain. It seems to argue that the challenge of spatial data mining can be viewed as merely the challenge of big data volume and the challenge can be solved by a “big data” approach by integrating the data. An important dimension is missing – big data is not just about the big volume, but also about its velocity. Some spatial data such as social media data with spatial attributes is generated in a timely manner in a variety of form. Given this, the proposed framework doesn’t seem to be useful to me because it doesn’t address the velocity challenge. Even apart from this, the framework proposed is also not very well explained. In summary, I don’t really like this article.

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