Zook et al. Haiti Relief & VGI

Volunteered Geographic information is tool used to consolidate knowledge where it is needed by those willing to offer their data and expertise. I feel comfortable arguing that it is strictly a tool; it create no new process or analysis of information but simply refers to consolidation of knowledge to complete various projects. The project in which the information is being used could potentially be considered science depending on its nature, but VGI is a tool. In relation to the topic of privacy, VGI can either be enhanced or impeded depending on levels of privacy. in other words, if personal data is openly available for collection and use, certain tasks may be easier to complete as a result of readily available pools of knowledge. In contrast, if information is kept private, then certain tasks may lack some critical knowledge and result in inaccuracy or bias in final products.

I think the article does good job at framing VGI as a tool that facilitates transactions of knowledge and data to complete projects more efficiently than by individuals. I was skeptical of the utility/quality of the work completed but the article makes a good point that more users means more people to catch errors and mistakes throughout the process.

One particular concern I have is regarding potential failures to provide a comprehensive amount of information comparable to what could e collected on by local knowledge and expertise: Is everything doable through VGI or are there certain limitations to projects that need to be completed outside of VGI?

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