Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure: Past, Present and Future

In Yang et al’s article, the authors briefly, yet with enough detail, explains the origin of “Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure” (GCI), various technologies that contributes to its birth and current uses of it.

From this article, GCI is referred as an infrastructure that can support the collection, management and utilization of geospatial data, information and knowledge for multiple science domains based on recent advancements in geographic information, science, information technology, etc.

As a newbie who just started to explore the world of GIS, it was a surprise to learn about an existence of GCI that encompass even the Geographic Information Science, because I found that the concept of GIScience itself was already quite vast when I first learn about it from this course just a couple of weeks ago.

Putting aside my own impressed feelings, as I was reading further in the article, I found it very informative overall and liked the ‘discussion & future strategies’ where the authors even assessed the future studies required for the GCI to improve further. On the other hand, at some point of the reading, it seems like the authors seem to overly emphasize the importance of developing GCI, but I guess that was the whole point of this article anyway.


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