Our presentations at Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada 2015

The lab was well-represented at Spatial Knowledge and Information Canada.

Tenney, Matthew, Renee Sieber and G. Brent Hall. 2015. “Geocollective”: A Tool for Harvesting Geographic Information From Social Media. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

Sangiambut, Suthee and Renee Sieber. 2015. A Typology of Canadian Open Data Apps. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

Reid, Geneviève and Renee Sieber. 2015. What is Time? Indigenous Conceptualizations of Time and the Geoweb. Proceedings of Spatial Knowledge and Information - Canada (SKI-Canada) 2015, February 27-March 1 in Banff AB, Canada.

More information at SKI