Web 1.0


Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0:

1. O'Reilly, Tim. "What is Web 2.0." O'Reilly Media. September 30, 2005. http://www.oreilly.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/

- in-depth explanation of web 2.0. very informative read.
- comparison table of web 1.0 vs. 2.0.
- data ownership and the advantages of web 2.0 (ex. Mapquest first had online mapping capabilities, but GoogleMaps allows for user annotations, yielding it greater success).

2. Strickland, Jonathan. "Is there a Web 1.0?." 28 January 2008. HowStuffWorks.com. <http://computer.howstuffworks.com/web-10.htm> 05 August 2008.

- This site offers a basic introductory to web 1.0 / web 2.0.
- Defines web 1.0 as static, not interactive, and web 1.0 applications are propriety (and therefore one can use the app. but cannot see how an app. works/change it). Web 2.0 programs are open source (source code freely available).

3. Graham, Paul. "Web 2.0." PaulGraham.com. November, 2005. http://www.paulgraham.com/web20.html

- web 2.0 = Ajax (web-applications work like desktop ones), democracy (people can change, create, add to something… wikipedia).

4. Spivack, Nova. "The Third-Generation Web is Coming." KurzweilAL.net. 17 Dec. 2006. 5 Aug. 2008 <http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?main=/articles/art0689.html?m%3d3>.

- introduces idea of web 3.0. evolution from web 2.0. revolves around ‘the intelligent web’.
- data-mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence technologies (YOU ask for something, the website knows what you want and can provide it to you).

I have gathered:
Web 2.0 =
1. interactive/participatory/social networking
2. P2P
3. free
4. services (not packaged software), Ajax (?)
5. “richer” user experience.
6. Sites appear to be aiming for a web 2.0 perspective; many web 1.0 sites (news sites, etc) attempt to make this transition w/ blogs and comments.

Ex. youtube, flickr, myspace, facebook, digg, bebo, blogspot, etc.

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