
Three major trends in the use of spatial information

This article address the issue of major trends in the use of spatial information from two different perspectives.

Jeff Thurston recognizes three major trends...

  1. Increasing use of remotely sensed imagery
  2. The integration of information for GIS / CAD modeling
  3. Graphically rich visualization / simulation environments.

Matt Ball on the other hand identifies a different set of current spatial information fashions...

  1. Data as a service
  2. Do it yourself Data
  3. Custom Analysis

Read more using the link above.

Resources on the Geospatial Web and climate change

Arno Scharl is best known for his book on the geospatial web. He also runs a Web 2.0 content agregator called ecoresearch, which visualizes, in a variety of contexts, research, articles, etc. on climate change and on the geospatial web (although the former is a fantastic implementation, it does illustrate the hazards of not updating content; the latter site is mostly a plug for his book). His article, Media Watch on Climate Change: Building and Visualizing Contextualized Information Spaces, introduces the technology behind the climate change aggregator and does a nice job in describing the ontological and semantic underpinnings of the site.

Their knowledge planet infrastructure is really cool, if only I could figure out exactly what it was showing (maybe it's my browser).

(And they're running off of the same drupal theme--garland--in their content management system as us.)

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