
A list of our undergraduates, masters and doctorate students working on the project.


Alan Mc Conchie, almccon@interchange.ubc.ca

2nd year PhD student, UBC Vancouver.

Supervisor: Brian Klinkenberg

Role on the project:  Implementing a system for volunteered observations of invasive plants in British Columbia.  Also, coordinating across all of the project's nodes to investigate the societal implications of the Participatory Geoweb.

MSc Thesis: "Mapping Mashups": http://graphspace.com/McConchie_2008_thesis.pdf

Bookmarks: http://delicious.com/almccon

Zotero bibliography: http://zotero.org/almccon

Academia.edu: http://ubc.academia.edu/AlanMcConchie



pmallen@telus.net, 2nd Year Phd Student, UBC - Okanagan

Supervisor: Jon Corbett

Interests: PPGIS for conservation planning, facilitating collaborative approaches to tackling planning issues

GEOIDE 41 milestone: Reviewing the sustainability of Geoweb tools and applications, do they contribute to long-term effectiveness and efficiency for users


Korbin daSilva: (korbin.dasilva@mail.mcgill.ca) 3rd year B.A. Honours Urban Systems Geography at McGill University

Supervisor: Dr Renee Sieber

Interests: Urban infrastrcure, GeoWeb programming and empowerering non-programmers to create GeoWeb tool

Current work: Guided introduction to GeoWeb programming for non computer scientists


2nd year MSc. Envs. candidate, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. Supervisor: Dr. Yolanda Wiersma. Interests: Landscape ecology, taxonomy, physical geography, HTML development, GIS model development, geocaching, graphic design website design, and being with my family. Current thesis: Predictive mapping and distribution of Erioderma pedicellatum on the Island of Newfoundland Desired Project 41 Goal: To enable public users to add, modify and discuss wildlife sightings and data online in a dynamic website format.



2nd year, MScE GIS, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton

Supervisor: Dr David Coleman                                                     

Interests: VGI, Crowdsourcing, PPGIS, Trust, Credebility

Current Thesis: Assessing the Credibility of VGI contributors and Trust in their contributions


Steven Chung (insoo.chung@ryerson.ca),

1st year Policy Studies PhD, Ryerson

Supervisor: Chris, Pamela, and/or Claus

Research: Study of the integration of New Media technologies, specifically Web 2.0 and Geoweb, in government for climate change action (tentative).


Nick Weigeldt, (nick.weigeldt@gmail.com) M.Pl. candidate, Ryerson University

Supervisor: Dr. Pamela Robinson

Research: How the content, data and ideas offered by citizens via Web 2.0 technologies generally and Geoweb applications specifically are ultimately used by the research or specifically to the urban planning field in which my research and experience is based, the municipality or other governance structures by whom the outcomes of the participation is either sought or presented to. 

Current Master's Research Paper Topic:  The Utility and Feasibilty of Online Geoweb Tools in a Greenbelt Farmer-Generated Census of Agriculture

With the Greenbelt Foundation as a client/partner




Supervisor: Claus Rinner

Research: Supports argoomap development.



Jacqueline Young

(jacqueline.young@ryerson.ca), MSA candidate, Ryerson.

Supervisor: Claus Rinner

Research: NSERC-funded with an MRP in community health planning (unrelated, except that Ryerson partner organization is interested in using online mapping of health services).



(smunshi@ryerson.ca), BSc computer science candidate

Supervisor: Claus Rinner

Research: undergrad work-study student (3rd-year) who is helping steven for his case study by revising current argoomap version -Goal is to have a bug-free version to upload on sourceforge (a project deliverable) before the end of summer!)



(blake.walker@ryerson.ca), BA geographic analysis candidate, Ryerson

Supervisor: Claus Rinner

Research: NSERC-funded summer student (2nd-year) who is conducted GEOIDE related research for Rinner. Attended a live green toronto meeting; looked at PPGIS literature, and may become more involved in the project in the fall.


Jian's Zhou's picture

(jianmcgill@gmail.com), MSc geography candidate

Supervisor: Renee Siebesr

Research: climate model integration with digital earth, etc.



(Current and Former students)

Bots, o90ra@unb.ca, Britta Ricker, brittaricker@gmail.com, Pamela Tudge, ptudge@gmail.com ,

Undergraduate summer internship

Supervisor: Renee Sieber



Undergraduate researcher

Supervisor: Gail Chmura

Research: developed web content analysis for evaluating degree of interactivity on climate change-related websites.