This site contains information on the research and teaching activities by Dr R E Sieber and her team at McGill University.

Hacking and Planning

Geothink gave a talk at the City of Regina's Regional Planning Summit.


Open Data for Regional Planning: Technical and non-technical issues. P. Leclerc, R. E. Sieber, M. Burchfield


On Sabbatical

I am on sabbatical 2013-2014 academic year. First stop NASA Goddard institute for Space Studies, where I'll be looking at citizen engagement with climate models. Next stop in May, where I'll explore citizen science with Muki Haklay at University College London.


Our research in the news

Stephane was able to capture the weird almagem that is my research.

Baillargeon, Stéphane. 2013. Humanités 2.0 - Géoweb, mapping et autres chinoiseries. Le Devoir. 27 juillet 2013


We get a big grant


Over the next five years, 26 researchers and 30 partners will explore how location-based technologies and social media transform the way Canadian cities and citizens communicate with each other. The grant, Geothink, is led by Renée Sieber, McGill University. This $5.7million grant is funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant Program and generous contributions from grant partners. Executive Summary below:

GEOG 506 2013 Advanced GeoInformation Science Final Projects


Congratulations to all the students and my co-instructor, Raja Sengupta, for another great Advanced GIScience course! Below are the final project abstracts. Be sure to click through to read the entire list:


Dynamic Multi-Scale Standardization in Watersheds

Christopher Amyot

Scale and scale type variation between disciplines often makes it difficult for researchers performing watershed analysis to compare their results with other studies. The scales used in watershed analysis are not well defined and are rarely reviewed, leading to many questions as to how spatial and temporal scale can be standardized, if it is even possible at the present time. The result of analysis of scale has resulted in the development of a criteria and framework, known as “Dynamic Multi-Scale Standardization” for the classification of scales into common standards. This framework provides cross-discipline understanding to watershed scale and is further aided by the creation of an algorithm to group scale. The techniques shown provide a non-arbitrary scaling that is both justifiable and replicable, which provides legitimacy and credibility to scale.


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